The Ultimate Teen Guide to Starting a Book Club with Your Squad! 

Hey, fellow book lovers! If you’re like me, then you probably love reading and talking about books. So why not start a book club with your friends this summer?

Summer is the perfect time to start a book club with your friends. With more free time and longer days, you and your friends can enjoy reading and discussing books together. It’s a great way to bond over your shared love of reading, and who knows, you might even discover some new favourite books!

First things first, gather your squad. Choose your most bookish friends who are always ready to chat about the latest novel they’ve read. Make sure they’re interested in the same genres as you, because there’s nothing worse than trying to get your friend who only reads romance novels to read a horror book. Trust me, I’ve been there.

Next, choose a name for your book club. Get creative and have fun with it! Maybe call it “The Book Nerds” or “The Page Turners.” Or, if you want to be extra witty, you can call it “The Booked Up Squad.” See what I did there?

Now comes the fun part, choosing your first book. Have everyone in the group suggest a book, and then vote on which one to read first. I suggest choosing something that’s easy to read, but still interesting enough to spark a good discussion. And make sure it’s age-appropriate, because nobody wants to read a book that’s too young or too old for them.

Decide on the format of your book club. Will you meet in person, over video chat, or create a group chat to discuss the book? If you’re meeting in person, you can even make it a potluck and have everyone bring their favourite snacks to share. Yum!

Set a schedule for reading and discussing the book. You don’t want to rush through the book or wait too long to discuss it, so find a pace that works for everyone. And if you’re struggling to keep up with the reading, remember that it’s okay to take breaks and read at your own pace.

Finally, create some discussion questions to guide your book club meeting. But remember, it’s not all serious discussion. Make sure to add some fun questions, like “Who would you cast in the movie adaptation of this book?” or “What’s your favourite quote from the book?”. You could even do a role- play (*costumes optional!) of the most interesting scene from the book.

So there you have it, my fellow bookworms. Starting a book club with your friends can be a blast, so grab a book and some friends and get started! Happy reading!

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