Time Travel Tuesday: I

Time travel has long captivated the imaginations of both young and old, and it has been a popular theme in many beloved children’s stories. Remember the magical wardrobe in C.S. Lewis’s “The Chronicles of Narnia” and the iconic Time-Turner in J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series? Time travel in stories instantly fascinates readers. However, incorporating time travel into a story can be both exciting and challenging. While it offers endless possibilities for adventure and exploration, it also presents unique narrative complexities and requires careful attention to maintain consistency throughout the plot.

It is for this reason that we have come up with Time Travel Mondays – a blog series which will provide guidance to your little ones on ways to incorporate time travel in their stories.

When it comes to introducing time travel in your story, it all starts with the time travel device! Here are 8 aspects to consider when developing your own time machine or time travel device.


Vaijayanthi is a Cambridge- certified Teacher of English, with an insatiable love for fantasy novels. As an unapologetic Potterhead, she draws inspiration from J.K. Rowling’s magical world. Through Common Room, Vaijayanthi hopes to guide young students on an enchanting journey of creative writing, and empower them to craft their own extraordinary tales.

1.       The Purpose

Think about why your time travel device exists. Is it designed to unravel historical mysteries, alter the past for a better future, or simply for exploration?

2.       How does it work?

Consider how your time travel device operates. Will it be powered by advanced technology, magic or a combination of both? Let your imagination run wild.

3.       The Design:

Take time to design the physical appearance of your time travel device. Is it a handheld object, a large apparatus, or an easy-to-overlook everyday item? Think about its shape, colour, and any markings or symbols that make it distinct. How do you operate it? Does it have a control panel, buttons or a dial?

4.       What sets it off?

Brainstorm creative ways to activate your time travel device. It could require a specific sequence of buttons, a magical incantation, or even the touch of a particular object. Whatever the activation method be, remember to link it with your plot and protagonist.

5.       The Rules

To add depth and challenge to your story, define rules for your time travel device. Maybe it can only transport the user a certain number of times or has a time limit for each journey. Remember how Dumbledore warns Hermoine that they must not be seen while using the Time Turner? Explore the consequences of altering the past or crossing paths with one’s future self.

And.. that’s it! By following the 5 tips, you can create your own unique time travel device! Remember – as the author you should know everything about your time travel device before you can include it in your story. Go ahead and try it out!

In the comments below, share a brief description of your time travel device and how it works. Where would you travel to first? Will you solve a historical mystery, meet your favourite historical figure, or witness a pivotal moment in history? Let us know the magic of your time travel device!

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