Cancellation Policy

Except for any course or product that is customised for you, or bought as part of a special offer,  you may write to, at any time within 24 hours of purchase of the course or product, and request for a cancellation. Your reimbursement may be impacted by the capabilities of our payment processing partner, statutory fees and taxes as well as other factors. You may expect the refund to be reflected in your bank account or your credit credit card, within 7 days of requesting for the refund.

In case of a course or product that is customised for you, you will not be entitled to request a cancellation.

For all courses except Young Writers: Long Term, if a student misses a session, and the teacher was informed of the same ahead of time, the class recording will be shared in the registered email id on the same day. For Young Writers: Long Term, in case of cancellations, the teacher will reschedule the session within 2 weeks, depending on the availability and convenience of both parties. In both cases, no reimbursement will be provided.

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