New Year’s Resolutions for Young Writers

Another year, another year of new year’s resolutions, right? But before you picture the usual lineup of unused gym memberships and abandoned financial plans, let’s switch gears and explore the exciting world of resolutions from the point of view of little ones!

While adults might be caught up in the snooze fest of resolutions dropped mid- January, for the younger generation, new year’s resolutions is an entirely different ball game. Research reveals that children find it easier to adapt to new habits due to their flexibility and often have the support of parents or guardians in setting and achieving goals.

Over the past week, we at Common Room embarked on a mission to connect with our students, eager to uncover the resolutions they’ve set for the year ahead. This blog post explores the top seven responses that came our way. Brace yourself to bid adieu to the usual clichés as we invite you to join us in unraveling the realm of vibrant resolutions crafted by our students. For those seeking to infuse a year-long spark of excitement into their households, consider trying these at home with your own child(ren)!


Anjaly is the founder of Common Room and a Cambridge- certified teacher of English. Her childhood goal was to read every book in the children’s section of the library. Through Common Room, she wishes to inspire and nurture young minds by providing a platform to explore and develop their writing skills, foster creativity, and ignite a love for storytelling.

Maintain a Creative Writing Journal

Encourage your child to maintain a personalised creative writing journal. Let them adorn it with colours, stickers, or drawings, transforming the act of writing into an enjoyable and visually stimulating experience. Establishing a regular time for journaling not only nurtures a consistent writing habit but also provides a dedicated space for self-expression. This resolution allows children to explore their imagination, document experiences, and reflect on their feelings in a fun and engaging way.

Read More Books; Explore Different Genres

For enhanced proficiency in expressing themselves through writing, it is crucial that your child engages in more reading. Promote a love for reading by creating a cozy reading nook or a special reading space within your home. Encourage your child to explore different genres of fiction. Beyond merely increasing vocabulary and language skills, this resolution introduces children to a diverse array of writing styles and perspectives.

Seek Feedback

Cultivate a supportive writing community by encouraging children to seek feedback from friends and family. Establish a monthly family “storytelling night” where everyone can share their creative works and provide constructive feedback. Forming a writing club with friends further enhances communication and collaboration skills. Positive reinforcement not only builds confidence but also inspires continual growth and improvement as young writers.

Explore Folklore from Different Countries

Ignite cultural curiosity by encouraging your child to pick a new country every month and explore its folklore. Dive into enchanting tales, myths, and legends from around the world, inspiring a rich tapestry of storytelling. This resolution broadens their horizons, fostering an appreciation for diverse cultures and perspectives.

Be a Character Chameleon

Unleash creativity by challenging your child to be a “character chameleon.” In other words, encourage them to experiment with creating as many different types of characters in their writing, as possible. Create a “character jar” filled with different traits, and encourage your child to pick a few to inspire the creation of unique characters. This resolution helps children develop well-rounded characters within their narratives.

Establish a Golden Hour of Writing Every Week

Instill discipline and dedication by establishing a “Golden Hour” of writing every week. Set aside a special time when distractions are minimized, allowing focused and uninterrupted creative writing. This dedicated hour becomes a sanctuary for expression, providing a consistent rhythm for honing writing skills and nurturing a lifelong passion for the written word.

Launch Your Own Blog

Take creativity to the digital realm by inspiring your child to launch their own blog. Choose a kid-friendly blogging platform and make it uniquely theirs by customising its appearance. Share the excitement by presenting the blog to family and friends, creating a sense of accountability and pride. This resolution not only enhances digital literacy and technology skills but also provides a platform for self-expression, idea sharing, and the development of responsibility and commitment in young writers.

Which of these resolutions would captivate your child’s interest? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let’s embark on this creative journey together! Here’s to a year filled with exciting stories, diverse characters, and the joy of creative discovery!

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