Welcome to our series featuring stories written by students in our Common Room classes. Our course instructors provide feedback at every stage of the writing process, ensuring it’s suitable for their age.
We value and celebrate each child’s unique writing style, ensuring minimal edits to their stories to preserve and showcase their creativity. Here’s a story written by 8-year-old Kunwar from Miss Shikha’s class. We absolutely adore how he has seamlessly crafted a friendship between a boy and a robot in his story. We’d love to hear your thoughts—do share your appreciation in the comments!
Tom the robot is a compassionate robot who likes to help people. He is an outdoorsy robot who likes to race and play tag with his friend, Sam, the mechanic. Tom has a steel exoskeleton which is painted ultramarine and he has a big glass screen that shows his mouth, nose, and eyes. Tom lives in the house 453667, Apple way, Firefoxy, WA, 903037, United States. Sam lives in the apartment 453690, the apartment just next to Tom’s house. Sam is also kind-hearted like Tom. He has a big smile and black spiky hair. Sam runs a robot repair center a quarter of a mile from Tom’s house. There is also a mountain in the city called Mt. Vanadium.
Mt.Vanadium is about eight miles from Tom’s house, and it is a big tourist site since it is so scenic and stunning. Sometimes, Tom and Sam like to go hiking at Mt. Vanadium. Tom and Sam also like to meet up at the ecotourism center to play a board game called Nature Go.
One early spring morning, Sam and Tom went for a walk. It was a bright sunny day and flowers were blooming. Then, suddenly, Tom started making strange noises! Sam got scared, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” he screeched.

About the Author
Kunwar Singh Walia, a.k.a K.S.W lives in Chandigarh with his mom. In 2025, he plans to go back to his primary home in Everett, WA and live with his family. He has been writing stories since 2022, when he was 6 years old. Apart from enjoying writing, he loves cars and aspires to become a world famous car designer. He also desires to be a person who owns a world famous electronics company, called Kunwar Electronics Inc. He wishes to get a Master’s degree in Automotive, Electronics, and Computer Science Engineering. He also plans to earn a Master’s degree in Science (Biology, Physics, and Chemistry), and Mathematics.
When he is not studying, he likes to read various books and watch TV.
His favorite shows are: Brainchild, You vs. Wild, Wild Kratts, Bluey, The Inbestigators. He also wants to have cats as pets when he grows up.
Tom started slamming into the fence, “Wham! Wham! Wham!” “Ahhhhhhhh! What are you doing, Tom!?”, Sam screamed again. “I am following my master’s orders.”, Tom replied. “You don’t have a master!”, the mechanic screamed in fright. “I do have a master!” were Tom’s last words.
Tom had broken his body by banging it on the metal fence. “Oh dear.”, said Sam, “You are going to take a long time to fix.” He said again.
Sam took Tom to his robot repair center. Sam got all the parts that he needed to fix Tom. He thought he had fixed Tom, but when he turned on Tom, his body got fixed, but his software was still broken. Then, Tom went over to the metal fence and started slamming his body on the fence again. “Oh man! You need to get your software fixed. ”, remarked Sam.
“No I do not.”, was Tom’s reply. “Oh boy! Not this again. Where can I get Tom fixed?”, Sam thought as he stared at Tom’s broken body. Sam realized Tom had broken his body again while he was thinking where to get Tom’s software fixed. “How can I get Tom’s broken body and software fixed? That will be too challenging.”, he thought to himself.
Sam was feeling worried and miserable. “Perhaps I will get this done tomorrow, since I am feeling weary. It’s getting late, so I will go home, take a shower, research about where I can get Tom’s software fixed, note it down, and have dinner and sleep.” he thought.
Sam went home with Tom’s parts, and then he took a shower. After that, Sam started cooking Atlantic Cod curry for his dinner. After a while, his dinner was ready. While Sam ate his dinner, he was missing his best friend Tom. Tom and Sam used to sit next to each other. They used to sit together watching TV while Sam ate his dinner and Tom was on charging.
After having his dinner, Sam researched on Google where he could get Tom’s software fixed. He finally found a place that fixed robot softwares. “Brilliant! Now I can fix Tom’s software”, Sam shouted with excitement.
The next morning, Sam woke up cheerful. Sam speedily got ready and went out to get Tom’s software fixed after he fixed Tom’s mechanical parts. Sam reached the software repair center and he was fascinated by the giant screens on the walls that were as big as doors! He was welcomed by a person who checked him in. After a few minutes, he was received by a software engineer who had a name tag that said, “Ty C”. He was kind enough to let Sam look at how he debugged Tom’s software.
While investigating, Ty found out Tom was going to an unsafe HTTP website, and that is why he started malfunctioning because malware got into Tom’s software. While looking at the search history, Tom was searching about some video games he could play which lead him to the unsafe website. To avoid this happening in the future, Ty said he was going to download A330 Antivirus into Tom. Ty told Sam that A330 antivirus is powerful software that will block anything unsafe. When Sam turned Tom on, Tom started up fine.
Sam let out a humongous sigh of relief and happiness when he saw Tom was working again. Sam said, Tom the Robot “Thank you Ty for fixing Tom!”, they all giggled after Tom started working again. After that, Sam and Tom went home happily.